2010 Northern Rockies

I met up with a cou­ple of friends in the Cana­di­an Rock­ies. They were set­ting off to hike the GDT and PNT. I thought it would be fun to hike a few weeks with them. I didn’t want to join them on the whole trip since I had already hiked most of what they were going to hike. We met up in Jasper and went up to the north­ern ter­mi­nus of the GDT at Kak­wa Lake. The weath­er was def­i­nite­ly not great, but that was over­shad­owed by the mis­er­able mos­qui­toes. I have nev­er been in any­thing quite as bad as this. All in good fun though because once they let up a bit you savored the moments of peace. I hiked with them down to Saskatchewan Riv­er Cross­ing and then had to take off and head to the Out­door Retail­er tradeshow in Salt Lake City. I hiked about 350–400 miles or so. 

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