Category Archives: Appalachian Trail

Lyme Disease on the Appalachian Trail

I do not like to blow things out of pro­por­tion like the typ­i­cal main­stream media, but this has not been heav­i­ly pub­li­cized and needs to be said. I firm­ly believe that there is an epi­dem­ic on the Appalachi­an Trail. I haven’t thru-hiked the Appalachi­an Trail since the win­ter of 2005/2006. How­ev­er as an active mem­ber in […]

2006 10,000 mile Triple Crown

Start­ing Novem­ber 1, 2005, Yoni and I hiked for almost a full year (through the win­ter). It took us 356 days (this is not a typo) to walk across the U.S., lon­gi­tu­di­nal­ly, three times incor­po­rat­ing the three major hik­ing trails in the Unit­ed States, but we also extend­ed it by about 2800 miles. This trip […]

2003 AT/IAT

I hiked these trails with my friend, Wind­song, and my dog Yoni. How­ev­er, we had an unex­pect­ed addi­tion in Vir­ginia. We found a sick dog, which we named Ottie. We car­ried him out of the woods and to a vet. Four days lat­er he was walk­ing, recov­ered, and hik­ing with us the rest of the […]