Author Archives: jlichter

Poling Efficiency

With the pri­maries and pres­i­den­tial elec­tions com­ing up, I thought I would write a post on pol­ing tech­nique – just a dif­fer­ent type of pol­ing tech­nique. I am talk­ing trekking poles, not polit­i­cal poles. It recent­ly popped into my mind as I was out on my first cross-coun­try ski of the year the oth­er day. I […]

First review for my new book

The first review for my new book was recent­ly pub­lished. I am excit­ed that a real­ly accom­plished, fel­low long dis­tance hik­er enjoyed my new book. See her review here:

A Tale of Two Trips – Recap of the First Winter PCT Traverse

Weath­er: The Pacif­ic Crest Trail is arguably the most diverse trail of the Triple Crown long dis­tance trails in the U.S. It tra­vers­es vol­canic lava fields to deserts, from moist, moss filled forests to bar­ren, alpine gran­ite pass­es – in fact from Muir Pass not even a bush or a tree is vis­i­ble (the only […]

Winter PCT traverse completed

We arrived at the Mex­i­can bor­der and south­ern ter­mi­nus of the PCT today at noon. It was anoth­er rainy day and a fit­ting end to our trip (Octo­ber 21, 2014 ‑March 1, 2015). It was great to have peo­ple turn out in the rain to cheer us on to the bor­der. It was an amaz­ing day […]

Mt Laguna, CA

The next storm start­ed com­ing in today. Winds are blow­ing hard and the clouds start­ed stream­ing over the moun­tains this after­noon. We made it to the small town of Mt. Lagu­na a few hours before the rain start­ed to fall. Now the rain is blow­ing side­ways. It looks as though we are going to have […]

Idyllwild, CA

Things are going well. We are in the last week of the hike now with about 180 miles to go. We are think­ing we’ll be at the Mex­i­can bor­der, and south­ern ter­mi­nus of the PCT, on March 1. We had a few inch­es of fresh snow the last cou­ple of days while going over Mt. San […]

Interstate 15 near Cajon Pass

We now have com­plet­ed near­ly 2300 miles and have 362 miles remain­ing on the hike. We just com­plet­ed the San Gabriel Moun­tains and one of my favorite sec­tions of the trail through South­ern Cal­i­for­nia. I love the ridge sec­tion around Mt. Baden Pow­ell! We were back in snow for about five miles or so around […]