Category Archives: Pacific Crest Trail

A Tale of Two Trips – Recap of the First Winter PCT Traverse

Weath­er: The Pacif­ic Crest Trail is arguably the most diverse trail of the Triple Crown long dis­tance trails in the U.S. It tra­vers­es vol­canic lava fields to deserts, from moist, moss filled forests to bar­ren, alpine gran­ite pass­es – in fact from Muir Pass not even a bush or a tree is vis­i­ble (the only […]

Upcoming Trip — Winter PCT Thru-hike Attempt

Ever since I first stepped foot on the PCT I have been think­ing about this trip. For years I have been cal­cu­lat­ing and coor­di­nat­ing var­i­ous aspects and weigh­ing the chal­lenges, equip­ment, and pos­si­bil­i­ties. It’s been on my to-do list for a while now, or maybe I should say to-try list. More so then ever, this […]

2006 10,000 mile Triple Crown

Start­ing Novem­ber 1, 2005, Yoni and I hiked for almost a full year (through the win­ter). It took us 356 days (this is not a typo) to walk across the U.S., lon­gi­tu­di­nal­ly, three times incor­po­rat­ing the three major hik­ing trails in the Unit­ed States, but we also extend­ed it by about 2800 miles. This trip […]


I fin­ished this jour­ney at Cape Ala­va, WA on Sep­tem­ber 15, 2004. I had fin­ished the PCT faster than I had expect­ed and had some extra time before the weath­er turned sour since I got to the Cana­di­an bor­der on August 24th, so I turned around and head­ed back to Hol­man Pass, WA, about 17 […]