Category Archives: Gear Review

Poling Efficiency

With the pri­maries and pres­i­den­tial elec­tions com­ing up, I thought I would write a post on pol­ing tech­nique – just a dif­fer­ent type of pol­ing tech­nique. I am talk­ing trekking poles, not polit­i­cal poles. It recent­ly popped into my mind as I was out on my first cross-coun­try ski of the year the oth­er day. I […]

First review for my new book

The first review for my new book was recent­ly pub­lished. I am excit­ed that a real­ly accom­plished, fel­low long dis­tance hik­er enjoyed my new book. See her review here:

Sweetwood Jerky Review

At the Out­door Retail­er show about a year ago I met, a friend who had pre­vi­ous­ly worked for Big Agnes. He had moved on to work­ing with Sweet­wood Jerky. We were at a par­ty after the show and nobody had eat­en. My friend was cir­cu­lat­ing some sam­ple bags of var­i­ous fla­vors of jerky. They were […]

Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2014

Here’s a good blog post on a bunch of new prod­ucts shown at the OR show this sum­mer. These prod­ucts will be avail­able next year. ( I saw a cou­ple oth­er prod­ucts that also seemed real­ly inter­est­ing for the UL back­pack­ing com­mu­ni­ty. Var­go Out­doors was show­ing a pro­to­type Ti cram­pon that was for running/light uses […]

A Quick Update On Bear Proof Food Storage

As of July 31, 2014 the Ursack S29 All­White has been placed on the Inter­a­gency Griz­zly Bear Com­mit­tee (IGBC) list for cer­ti­fied bear resis­tant con­tain­ers. It is impor­tant to note that no pre­vi­ous mod­els of Ursacks have been added to the list. In 2012, Yosemite and SEKI (Sequoia/Kings Canyon Nation­al Park) turned over the Ursack testing […]

Lyme Disease on the Appalachian Trail

I do not like to blow things out of pro­por­tion like the typ­i­cal main­stream media, but this has not been heav­i­ly pub­li­cized and needs to be said. I firm­ly believe that there is an epi­dem­ic on the Appalachi­an Trail. I haven’t thru-hiked the Appalachi­an Trail since the win­ter of 2005/2006. How­ev­er as an active mem­ber in […]

Outdoor Retailer Winter 2014

I know a lot of peo­ple post on the Out­door Retail­er show. It is a hec­tic and amaz­ing trade show where all of the lat­est gear is on dis­play. There are some great write-ups around the web about the show and the lat­est and great­est prod­ucts being dis­played, like this one from Will Rietveld: and […]

Good write up about the Outdoor Retailer Tradeshow a couple of weeks ago

I was for­tu­nate enough to attend the Out­door Retail­er trade show in Salt Lake City a few weeks ago. The show this sum­mer seemed espe­cial­ly vibrant and inno­v­a­tive. It was also one of the most well attend­ed shows of the past few years. This report does a great job of cov­er­ing some of the new […]

Sawyer Squeeze Filter Gear Review

The past few weeks I have been exper­i­ment­ing with some Sawyer water fil­tra­tion prod­ucts, includ­ing the Sawyer Squeeze Fil­ter. I was excit­ed to use these prod­ucts. I have increas­ing­ly been see­ing the Sawyer Squeeze Fil­ter out on the trail. It seems like it has been gain­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty among thru-hik­ers, and right­ful­ly so. It is simple, […]