Category Archives: Past Trips

2005 CDT/GDT

I start­ed hik­ing from the Mex­i­can bor­der in New Mex­i­co on May 17th. I fin­ished hik­ing in the Cana­di­an Rock­ies on Sep­tem­ber 18th, 2005. This trip was awe­some. I have only found two sto­ries about the GDT on the inter­net, since it is sort of a makeshift trail. Find out more at The GDT […]


I fin­ished this jour­ney at Cape Ala­va, WA on Sep­tem­ber 15, 2004. I had fin­ished the PCT faster than I had expect­ed and had some extra time before the weath­er turned sour since I got to the Cana­di­an bor­der on August 24th, so I turned around and head­ed back to Hol­man Pass, WA, about 17 […]

2003 AT/IAT

I hiked these trails with my friend, Wind­song, and my dog Yoni. How­ev­er, we had an unex­pect­ed addi­tion in Vir­ginia. We found a sick dog, which we named Ottie. We car­ried him out of the woods and to a vet. Four days lat­er he was walk­ing, recov­ered, and hik­ing with us the rest of the […]