Author Archives: jlichter

Good write up about the Outdoor Retailer Tradeshow a couple of weeks ago

I was for­tu­nate enough to attend the Out­door Retail­er trade show in Salt Lake City a few weeks ago. The show this sum­mer seemed espe­cial­ly vibrant and inno­v­a­tive. It was also one of the most well attend­ed shows of the past few years. This report does a great job of cov­er­ing some of the new […]

Sawyer Squeeze Filter Gear Review

The past few weeks I have been exper­i­ment­ing with some Sawyer water fil­tra­tion prod­ucts, includ­ing the Sawyer Squeeze Fil­ter. I was excit­ed to use these prod­ucts. I have increas­ing­ly been see­ing the Sawyer Squeeze Fil­ter out on the trail. It seems like it has been gain­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty among thru-hik­ers, and right­ful­ly so. It is simple, […]

Vargo BOT review

Every so often an idea comes around that makes you slap the side of your head and say, “why did­n’t I think of that”. The BOT by Var­go is one of those notions. So sim­ple, yet so prac­ti­cal. A few weeks ago I tried one out on a two week ski trip through the Sierra […]

Sierra Ski Trip Completed

View Sier­ra Ski Trip — April 2013 in a larg­er map I got back home last night after com­plet­ing the Sier­ra Ski Trip. All in all, despite the lack of snow this year, this was a great trip and real­ly good expe­ri­ence to get my gear and sys­tems dialed for this type of trav­el. In two […]

Update from Mammoth

Pep­per and I pushed hard yes­ter­day to get to Mam­moth Lakes, CA. We are get­ting orga­nized and resup­ply­ing now for the next stretch. We skied into town under head­lamps and moon­light in a ~30+ mile day. We camped a few miles south of Tuolomne Mead­ows in Yosemite the night before and had the most favorable […]

Last Minute Scramble

As usu­al the last minute scram­ble tie up all loose ends has begun! We are head­ed out to Sono­ra Pass tomor­row to begin our ski trip to Mt. Whit­ney. The weath­er is sup­posed to turn back to win­ter tomor­row with temps in the 20’s and 50 mph wind gusts, and lows in teens overnight. Needless […]