Last Minute Scramble


As usu­al the last minute scram­ble tie up all loose ends has begun! We are head­ed out to Sono­ra Pass tomor­row to begin our ski trip to Mt. Whit­ney. The weath­er is sup­posed to turn back to win­ter tomor­row with temps in the 20’s and 50 mph wind gusts, and lows in teens overnight. Need­less to say it will be a lit­tle chilly.
As far as snow­fall goes, it has been the polar oppo­site of a cou­ple of years ago when Pep­per and I went to the Himalayas. At this point two years ago it was still dump­ing snow and there was over 30 feet of snow­pack on the ground. Short­ly after we left, the police had a vol­un­tary evac­u­a­tion of the town, due to propane leaks from the snow and the sub­se­quent explo­sion of a home. Iron­i­cal­ly, this year when we are going to under­take a ski trip, the snow­pack is a mea­ger 50% of aver­age and the last few weeks have been real­ly warm. My gear list for the trip is below in case you are inter­est­ed. Check back in. I’ll be updat­ing the blog dur­ing the trip. 

Sierra Ski Trip Gear List