Etna, CA

We made it to Etna, about 1060 miles into the hike. There had been a lot of talk about the storm that came through this past week. It did rain a bunch and was windy, and dropped a bit of snow up high, but all in all I don’t think this storm was any worse than a cou­ple of oth­er storms we have already been through. Grant­ed I was glad it was over because we had a beau­ti­ful sun­ny day today and had some fan­tas­tic views in the Mar­ble Mountains.
We did unex­pect­ed­ly join the polar bear club on the last stretch as a cou­ple of the bridges had been burned from fires this sum­mer. We had to ford the swollen creek and both took unex­pect­ed swins at 7:30 in the morn­ing. It was def­i­nite­ly a lit­tle chilly but no harm done.
Onwards tomor­row as we are hop­ing to get in one or two more sec­tions before tak­ing a cou­ple of days off over Christmas.