Burney, CA — Christmas break and almost halfway!

We are about 80 miles short of the halfway point now. Things are going well and we are heal­ing up and tak­ing a few days off for Christ­mas. We should be back out on the trail head­ing south the after­noon of the 28th if all goes as planned.

Now since it is Christ­mas and we are all in the hol­i­day spir­it, I will do a lit­tle 12 Days of Christ­mas style halfway recap on some of the biggest dif­fer­ences between win­ter and sum­mer hik­ing that I am thank­ful for.….….

On the First Day of Christ­mas the PCT sent to me a beau­ti­ful coat­ing of snow hang­ing on every tree.

On the Sec­ond Day of Christ­mas the PCT sent to me a mos­qui­to-less Ore­gon and a beau­ti­ful coat­ing of snow on every tree.

On the Third Day of Christ­mas the PCT sent to me boun­ti­ful, clear, cold water, a mos­qui­to-less Ore­gon, and a beau­ti­ful coat­ing of snow on every tree.

On the Fourth Day of Christ­mas the PCT sent to me a few miles of clear trail, boun­ti­ful, clear, cold water, a mos­qui­to-less Ore­gon, and a beau­ti­ful coat­ing of snow on every tree.

On the Fifth Day of Christ­mas the PCT sent to me a sun­ny day, a few miles of clear trail, boun­ti­ful, clear, cold water, a mos­qui­to-less Ore­gon, and a beau­ti­ful coat­ing of snow on every tree.

On the Sixth Day of Christ­mas the PCT sent to me no for­est fires or fire reroutes, a sun­ny day, a few miles of clear trail, boun­ti­ful, clear, cold water, a mos­qui­to-less Ore­gon, and a beau­ti­ful coat­ing of snow on every tree.

On the Sev­enth Day of Christ­mas the PCT sent to me cheap­er win­ter motel rates, no for­est fires or fire reroutes, a sun­ny day, a few miles of clear trail, boun­ti­ful, clear, cold water, a mos­qui­to-less Ore­gon, and a beau­ti­ful coat­ing of snow on every tree.

On the Eighth Day of Christ­mas the PCT sent to me 50 degree rainy days at Castel­la and Seiad Val­ley (instead of the 100+ degrees in the sum­mer), cheap­er win­ter motel rates, no for­est fires or fire reroutes, a sun­ny day, a few miles of clear trail, boun­ti­ful, clear, cold water, a mos­qui­to-less Ore­gon, and a beau­ti­ful coat­ing of snow on every tree.

On the Ninth Day of Christ­mas the PCT sent to me hard­ly any­body in the back­coun­try, 50 degree rainy days at Castel­la and Seiad Val­ley (instead of the 100+ degrees in the sum­mer), cheap­er win­ter motel rates, no for­est fires or fire reroutes, a sun­ny day, a few miles of clear trail, boun­ti­ful, clear, cold water, a mos­qui­to-less Ore­gon, and a beau­ti­ful coat­ing of snow on every tree.

On the Tenth Day of Christ­mas the PCT sent to me ani­mal tracks in the snow to know the wildlife that is near­by and using the trail cor­ri­dor, hard­ly any­body in the back­coun­try, 50 degree rainy days at Castel­la and Seiad Val­ley (instead of the 100+ degrees in the sum­mer), cheap­er win­ter motel rates, no for­est fires or fire reroutes, a sun­ny day, a few miles of clear trail, boun­ti­ful, clear, cold water, a mos­qui­to-less Ore­gon, and a beau­ti­ful coat­ing of snow on every tree.

On the Eleventh Day of Christ­mas the PCT sent to me cheese that isn’t sweaty from the warm tem­per­a­tures, ani­mal tracks in the snow to know the wildlife that is near­by and using the trail cor­ri­dor, hard­ly any­body in the back­coun­try, 50 degree rainy days at Castel­la and Seiad Val­ley (instead of the 100+ degrees in the sum­mer), cheap­er win­ter motel rates, no for­est fires or fire reroutes, a sun­ny day, a few miles of clear trail, boun­ti­ful, clear, cold water, a mos­qui­to-less Ore­gon, and a beau­ti­ful coat­ing of snow on every tree.

On the Twelfth Day of Christ­mas the PCT sent to me an amaz­ing and sup­port­ive trail com­mu­ni­ty and all the rest of the stuff!

Here’s the link to some pic­tures from the last stretch from Ash­land, OR to Bur­ney, CA:


Also, I have been updat­ing our loca­tion every 3–4 days in between towns so remem­ber you can check that here:
