Author Archives: jlichter

Agua Dulce, CA

We got into the small town of Agua Dulce yes­ter­day after­noon. This is a bit­ter­sweet stop. We are now over 2200 miles into the hike with 455 miles remain­ing. But most impor­tant­ly it is great to see the Saufley‘s again after a few years. This has always been one of the best stops on the […]

Willow Springs Road, Tehachapi, CA

We made it to Tehachapi Wil­low Springs Road yes­ter­day evening to com­plete the next stretch. We have been on clear trail for the last the the days and have been able to do 30+ miles per day once again. We expect clear trail to con­tin­ue for at least the next 150 miles also. It is […]

Walker Pass, CA Highway 178

We made it through the High Sier­ras and to our first town stop since Mam­moth, about 250 miles ago. It has been a long and tough stretch and we are feel­ing skin­ny and tired. We are eat­ing a lot in town and retool­ing for the final 650 miles. We have now com­plet­ed 2010 miles. Walk­er Pass […]

Mammoth Lakes, CA

We made it to Mam­moth yes­ter­day. This was a big mile­stone that we have been dream­ing about for a long time. We have good friends here that we have want­ed to catch up with and it is also the offi­cial start of the High Sier­ra sec­tion. We have been look­ing for­ward to this sec­tion for […]

Highway 108/Sonora Pass, CA

We made it to High­way 108 today for our resup­ply. 1018 miles to go now. Almost under a thou­sand! The ski­ing has been vari­able with con­di­tions chang­ing by the minute. It looks like we have a good weath­er win­dow to con­tin­ue into the High Sier­ras. Onward into Yosemite tomorrow!

Highway 50/South Lake Tahoe

We made it to Echo Sum­mit this evening, under 1100 miles to go. It was an inter­est­ing stretch as this it’s my home turf and I have hiked and skied this stretch count­less times. How­ev­er this was or first stretch ski­ing on this trip. We made good time in com­plet­ing the sec­tion in two and […]

Castella, CA

We made it to Castel­la in the rain around 8pm tonight (about 1160 miles in now). It’s been a typ­i­cal stretch with snow or rain every day. The weath­er fore­casts were only call­ing for 1–3 inch­es each day and night, but things changed a lit­tle last night when we woke up this morn­ing to 1–2 […]

Etna, CA

We made it to Etna, about 1060 miles into the hike. There had been a lot of talk about the storm that came through this past week. It did rain a bunch and was windy, and dropped a bit of snow up high, but all in all I don’t think this storm was any worse […]